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How I Got Here.

Being a young and single mom, it has always been difficult to juggle my career and raise a child. Seven years ago, I was in the throes of full-time employment. There were days when I swore I could literally pull my hair out, trying to figure out better opportunities where I wouldn't have to wake up at 5:00 am to prepare for work, deal with heavy traffic, pollution, and people ranting left and right for reasons only God knows, only to come home late at night and go through the same predicament. Rinse and repeat. Yeah, it sucks to be me, I know! I had to endure all these struggles every day simply because I had very limited choices. I wanted to be able to stay at home and look after my child, but at the same time, I wanted to find ways to leverage my time and resources so I could provide for her. However, I was stuck with that idea because I didn't know how and was completely clueless about where to begin. Then one day, a friend of mine introduced me to this freelancing job site that totally changed my life. I was really down at first because I had no experience working online, no knowledge of any tools that other virtual assistants had on their profiles, and not even a portfolio I could brag about because it was all foreign to me. Determined not to let this situation break me, I decided to put one foot in front of the other and give freelancing a go.

Where I am. Where I'm going.

Working as a virtual assistant, I have had the opportunity to learn so much in my field. I have been trained by a number of industry professionals, which has provided me with various experiences that have shaped me into the skilled professional I am today. Now, I am looking for new challenges and hope to venture even further down my chosen career path, continually learning along the way.


Regarding my professional outlook, I approach each challenge with the same enthusiasm, desire to learn, and positive attitude that you would expect from a top industry performer. It is this combination, along with my strong skill set and experience, that I believe would make me a valuable addition to any company. Please take the time to browse through my CV site to gain a better understanding of what I can offer you.

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